More Sky-high Numbers from Harlem Townhouse Sales

Posted February 13th, 2015

As the market started warming up after the recession struck in ’08, many started to feel shock at the numbers they were seeing in their respective downtown neighborhoods. As that shock began settling, a new layer of surprise came into the picture – surprise at how expensive sales in Harlem had gotten. First the price record for a townhouse in Central Harlem South rose to $2M. Then it rose to $3M. Now $4M offers for 20’+ wide homes off Marcus Garvey Park aren’t that hard to come by.

Now a new bar has been set for homes in Central Harlem North by a trade at 124 West 132nd Street. This two family home stood at only 16.67’ wide yet fetched a price of about $3,000,000. At $1,181 per square foot, this is certainly a record for the area!

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